This course is split into three parts, and will cover the key points within each of the main topic areas.
Within each part of the course, you will be provided with various short recordings.
For each section you will be provided with the key points in order to gain an understanding of the topic area.
You will also be provided with useful exam tips and technique.
The recordings will also include real-life examples and various past exam paper questions
throughout to enhance your understanding of the knowledge.
Plus downloads of all accompanying slides used in the course videos
Audit Regulation/Client Acceptance
Professional Ethics
Audit Planning and Materiality
The Risk Assessment Process
Internal Control
ISA 500 – Audit Evidence
ISA 505 – External Confirmations
ISA 520 – Analytical Procedures
ISA 530 – Audit Sampling
ISA 540 – Auditing Accounting Estimates and Related Disclosures
ISA 610 – Using the Work of Internal Auditors
ISA 620 – Using the Work of an Auditor’s Expert
ISA 402 – Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organisation
Substantive Procedures for each of the following account balances:
Audit of Non-Current Assets
Audit of Intangible Assets
Audit of Investments
Audit of Inventory
Audit of Bank and Cash
Audit of Revenue and Receivables
Audit of Purchases and Payables
Audit of Provisions
Audit of Share Capital and Reserves
The notes above will go through each of the accounts balances, relevant accounting standards, inherent risks and control risks associated with each of the balances, and then specific audit procedures in relation to each of the relevant assertions.
It is extremely important you have a good understanding of the relevant assertions, and specific audit procedures – so these notes will be very useful.
ISA 450 – Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During the Audit
ISA 560 – Subsequent Events
ISA 570 – Going Concern
ISA 580 – Written Representations
ISA 700 – Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements
ISA 705 – Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report
ISA 706 – Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report
This course will not include the study notes (PDF document). You can purchase this separately if you wish.
Please Note: As these study packs are an instant digital download, we do not offer refunds.
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